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December is the month when we tend to look back at what we’ve done throughout the year and to look forward to what we could do better. And as we look back at a year that was significant in many respects, I am pleased that the European Cockpit Association has once again pursued its mission to be the clear and consistent voice of airline pilots in Europe.

The demonstration for safe Flight Time Limitations in Cologne in May, the development of the Advance Arrangement protocol for safety investigations, as well as the improvements in the social status of pilots posted abroad are a few highlights of ECA’s hard advocacy efforts and achievements.

But our work doesn’t stop here. Over the past year, ECA and experts from its Member Associations developed a strategy to maintain and enhance safety standards in Europe. This Strategy will be finalised and presented early 2013.

Within the constraints of a much weaker economy, which has seen a significant number of pilot jobs being cut and fleets reduced, we have managed to safeguard the fundamental right to Industrial Actions.

It also was a year of challenge, a year in which the European pilots faced a potential dilution of aviation safety by the new proposed EU Flight Time Limitations. Our advocacy efforts have delivered some improvements. Yet, EASA’s proposal remains an unsafe regulation, which was dictated by the airlines’ commercial interests. But we are driven by the challenges and will keep on fighting for the safety of our passengers, the people on the ground and the aircrew.

Especially in times of economic hardship, we value the efforts of the Executive Board, Member Associations and all volunteer pilots to contribute to the common good. Together we are “Piloting Safety” and we make sure our expert voices are heard in Europe.