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Common concerns, powerful tools

The TNA Handbook for better representation of TNA pilots

No two transnational pilot groups are the same. Each Transnational Airline (TNA) pilot group has a different background, a different story and a different type of management to deal with. But there are things they all have in common as pilots in transnational airlines face similar challenges. 

Such a challenge is the ambiguity of the existing legislation and difficulties of enforcing their labour rights in an efficient way as a transnational workforce. Furthermore, employers have been known to use the same ‘textbook’ strategies to block effective union representation and collective bargaining. Finally, we can draw a number of parallels between certain transnational airlines in the contractual set-ups and the social engineering that eventually lead to deteriorating working conditions. 

Our attempt to chart out the common response strategies and advice to TNA pilot groups have resulted in a new publication: ECA’s TNA Handbook (2018). It also features best practices from other sectors that could serve as inspirations for TNA pilots and their union representatives. In addition, 4 TNA Pilot Groups share their challenges and breakthroughs in their quest for unionisation and transnational bargaining. Enjoy the reading! 

TNA handbook
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